Poisoning Patients (On Purpose)

Hey, Biology Nerd! I’ve heard that a lot of medicines that doctors give people are actually poisons. Why is my doctor trying to kill me? –Sybil C. *** I wouldn’t go so far as to say that doctors are “trying” to kill you, Sybil. Killing off clients wouldn’t be very beneficial to our business model, […]
All Abuzz

You people got a word for two-dollar words that suddenly appear everywhere, like a fad? Want to coin one? And does anybody track these things? Delphine Sultzer *** Sure. We’ve got several words, actually. But most of them have to do with how a new word is formed, rather than that sense that the word […]
The Heartbeat Goes On

How is the rhythm of heart contractions maintained? Aretha *** Aretha, such a wonderful question! The heart’s rhythm is so important to life. The heart has four chambers which pump blood along two completely different pathways, and they need to work together. If the different chambers pump out of unison (called dysrhythmia), then they won’t […]
The Conundra Conundrum

What is the plural of conundrum? Conundra or conundrums? Phil *** Dear Phil, So first we are going to talk about loanword integration. Then we’ll hit up Latin in particular. And then, then, there will be a SHOCKING TWIST ENDING. Everybody ready? Let’s roll. The English language is chock-a-block with loanwords, which might as well […]
Catch(y) as Catch(y) Can

Do we use “catchy” for anything other than “tunes”? Me *** Dear You, Not often. “Catchy” used to have a wider meaning, for anything that caught or stuck in the mind. Songs, sure, but also regular prose words, like all those clever quotes that get misattributed to Oscar Wilde. Or even tricky questions, since they […]
How Drugs Get Their Names

Hey Language Nerd, I’ve been seeing a commercial lately for a toenail-fungus remover called, in all seriousness, “Jublia.” WTF? “Jublia”?? How do medicines get these ridiculous names? JRN *** Dear JRN, I’m guessing they went with “Jublia” in hopes that their customers would make the cognitive leap to “jubilant” and “jubilee.” Because nothing brings out […]
Everything You Know About Grammar is Bullsh%^t, Part 2

Last post I mostly just groused about how little grammar most people know. Today, in an attempt at a more useful follow-up, I’ll go over the basic categories of words in English, which you may have learned as the “parts of speech.” I’m drawing from and drastically simplifying Rodney Huddleston and Geoffrey Pullum’s A Student’s […]