A corpus of the text found in the most popular images for “doge” on imgur on 23 February 2014. My article based on this is here.
I went with imgur rather than reddit or tumblr for two reasons — many of the reddit/tumblr doge images are stored there, and it’s easy to search . The data is from the first 100 results for a search for “doge.” I removed some images, repeats for example or images with no words, but conversely some of the top results were galleries with many images, so the total was still about a hundred. I had to use my judgment with images that had words but were not very doge-like, and I erred towards inclusivity, only removing things that were clearly discussions or stories about doges and not attempts to use doge language. This means that I have some weird bits in the data, like “bash eads in for merica,” but these seem to be unusual uses within doge rather than, say, a separate meme.
such space
such hair
such opinion
such ninja
such hard
such rain (pain?)[1]
such class
such cold
such foots
such effort
such doge
such spin[2]
such confident
such dance
such energy
such skill
such skill
such flirting
such art
such gangsta
such opinion
such guard doge
such avant garde
such venice
such hat
such skill
such love
such cri evy tiem
such affection
such non-traditional
such bravery
such neckpain
such free spirit
such flowr
such scare
Such Trubble
such fuck you
such stuck
such roar
such big
such fashun
such scare
such axe
such legendry
such wholesome
such damage
such abuss
such cold
such mean
such wilde
such math
such talentz
such sadness
such scary
such bear mace
such rule
such winter
such scare
such bass
such shading
such scarf
such wind
such insight
such view
such colorful.
such hat
such sweater
such ram
such green
such movie
such excite
such money
such fame
such jump
such waiting
such growth
such unsure
such birthday
such teeth
such nope wil not moev
such tame
such squint
such good doge
such innovashun
such leg
such sponge
such delishus
such flowers 4 u
such beuty in u
such luv
such gentlmen
such lick
such friendship
such sorry
hat such street kred
much weightless
much softness
much gains
much acomplishment
much endurance
much concept
much tough
much REWARD!!!!111!!!!
much excite
much scare
much scare
much robe
much laughs
much rude
much bullets
much tough
much train
much bleeding
much beth
much internet
much style
much gudluk
much graph
much power
much monitor
much watch
much cry
much angry at ownr
much xp
much curiosity
much cake
much unexpected
much high
much fur
much sorry
so majest
so photogen
so wind
so talking
so squint
so detremination
so powirful
so real
so hip
so vintige
so squint
so struggle
so stamina
so dance
so fast
so proud
so seduction
so textuer
so abuse
so urban
so talking
so lazy
so tiny
so fluff
so revoluntinary
so pro
so revolution
so different times
so weird
so Scare
so titan
so fame
so hellooooouuuuu
so disrespect
so fly
so forceing
so ice
so tsarry
so scare
so touchigns
so shine
so computer
so paint
so dogewalk
so good
so amaze
so artristic
so intercept
so scare
so shibe
so deep
so pc
so grab
so stare into sole
so emotion
so plent
so mystery
so celebrate
so muscle
so sport
so cream
so peeceful
so suprise
so lomo
so hipster
so obscure
so glasses
so instagram
so deep
macklemore so brave
doors so open
very touch
very comfrot
very dig
very mimic
very culturel
very shoulder
very displeasure
very hippie
very go fuck yourself
very truble
very power
very freeze
very intimidate
very Pokemans
very hunt
very head rubbins
very crown
very blog
very brr
very pixels
very windos
very bluray
very 120 minets
very sadness
very disagreement
very cake
very fly
very revenge
very talent
many focis
many luvs
many serving
many hurt
many graph
many pleasing 4 shibe
many respects
so much doge
so much dj
so many gigiabits
no gravity
100% natural
jungle king
danger to touch
will bark
nobel dog
point ears
super siwm
winneng the rase
u dont kno me
thug life
wat ive been thru
my struggle
tupac alive
tfw legday
tiger lifts 200×5!!!
caught ya mirin
indie levl=100
omg hi
no filtr
nice scrat
no 1 gets me :(
great to be doge
point shibe ears
nobel doge
maek up ur mind
journey not destination
1 small step for doge
1 giant step 4 dogekind
go round
spinny spin [3]
always dance
still go!
party animal
hpapy fete
cllub cant handel!!
good dofe
dance long
ha jump ha
u get milkbome
can’t make me
don’t care
vidoe games
go hard
never lose
hi score
no fingerz lol
nu durmer 2 spinal tap?
wel traned doge
how can ohter dougs compar
on the prowl
pickin up chick
dinner n movie?
what r ur digits
nice shibe
not cool
threat to life
warned not to touch
One Shot
one opportunity
where the hood at
paws r sweaty
knees weak
moms spaghetti
Bustin Rhymes
the alphabet
neutralize threat
protect the master
shibe danger
shrink ray
jif not gif
movin pictres
new style of shibe?
bak in my day shibe was jpg
san marco
why are canals
ur mum
cool camera
360 no scope
call of doge
we r no different than u
u cant judge us
new perspective
need new angle
not same dogge anymore
eyes everywhere
not 2 worry
must continue on2 journey
to far?
where is ur god now?
imagine no posessions
vegan doge
coachella here i come
visions of peace
doge is lost
where is doge
PLZ Call 969-DOGE
amaze view
little air
new perspective
not couch
danger to touch
nobel dog
will bark
great success
mom proud
blight of peasentry
traed empire
u no plot
heres doge
the shibing
dogemon master
cant catch sucoene[4]
u dont fukin control me
don’t point
sharp claw
bad doge
shibe abuse
Doge Rider Corki
um no
no mean no
do not want
um wtf r u doin
herd u say vet
wot u say m8
wreck you
plz dont delete
do it, doge!
i got rithum
supar playar
bass droan
no ivans
is it eat?
wat do?
bad time
brother aloha
we r one wiht nateur
mother natur so tranquil
what is lief?
taek it all innn
relxaing pond
cool riples
sun feel niec on my bakc
dafuq u say
doge 5evah
incredible nope
white witch
doge days r ovah
in luv with being queen
we’re up all nite 2 get shibe
let it snew
da feshin
halp diet
very irl
u fuk me?
i fek me
hot cuteur
warmy fuzzy
150% presh pet
cates hterz
too bling
oh yes
ice ice doge
chill doge
all on body
aww yiss
10/10 musik
tegno dogestep
threw up in bathroom
3+ doge years 4drink
at the corner you will see it
like really party entertainment present
remember ur netiquette
dont copy that floppy
how do i download?
internet connection establish
next picarsso
art skool
self portrait
intricat details
gr8 lord shibe
lead by example
this is my srs face
pimpin aint easy
bow b4 me
You think i joke?
shibe style
plz no
why this happened
trim 2moro
nevr scratch again
shibe think
wise dog
prep buttondown
evn mah shadow is sexy
look out ladies
whiskers for ladies
ears tukced
look into mah eyes, girl
coolng sistem
intell insied
think think
10/10 would tiep
im not scary just defend
last warnign
bakc like rattle snake get biger wehn scared
u grab thats death penalty
consider fingers 2 b off
they come off soon
is me
rated PG-Shibe
richard gere w0w
shibe in motion
nice ass
comfy zone
olimpics 2016
grand champion
body control
best landing
water 2x daily
shia pet
do not disturb
blooming awaits
sunlight ples
how pronounce
who am i
plz stop fighting
older nao
do not waek
shibe need beauty sleep
boss levl ahhhhhh
quite headshot
rated M for much shibe
not noob
ahhhhhh excite
woot, woot
soperb athleet
jus do it
chillin all max
cherry blossum
*refreshed shibe*
promal screm
Call of Doge
every doge has his day
bash eads in for merica[5]
war ero5
will hump later
do want
good filled
luv life
takign it all in
life good
large jump
big air
where hostess?
no passport
when land?
omg hi bird
strange happens
great travesty4 dogekind
i will never die
doge regret
how shame
doge and cate reconsile
eternal friendship
everything is grEAT
they paid me chicken nuggets 2 be model
god bless america
is that spossed to be me
more pleese
dog and dog cake
im comin for ya
goodbye chores
like birthday but innernet
yummy cake
fda approved
what cake
we need more ram
lets make program
hardrives ahh so big
i am a star
i am doge
is that a spot
what is mainstream
uve probly never herd of it tho
damn gurl
nice knee smell
hot style
real qt
were u get dem jeans
ur place or mien
my 1 and only
wats ur sign girl
if u wer flower i woud pick u
super focis
i am raedy to lern
i am focis
knowdlege is power
knowledge tkaing place
its leviosa no levisar
dear athetits… if GOD dont exist s how me a dog learned english?
1) I didn’t include “wow” because counting how many times it was used in the first three images made my eyes swim. Let’s just say it was far and away the most common word. I did make a note the few times “wow” was used with other words:
best wow
paws waw
wow no
not wow
The last two are interesting because of the negation. Doge usually negates like standard English, with “no” in front of nouns (“no filtr,” “no passport”) and “not” or “never” with verbs (“do not waek,” “uve probly never herd of it tho”). In fact, other than these two “wow”s and maybe the one “leviosa” thing, I saw zero negations that stood out as unusual or different from standard English patterns, which is why I left “no” in the “other” column instead of making it its own section.
“Paws waw” is also notable, because it was the only time I saw “wow” misspelled, out of approximately seven bajillion “wow”s written.
2) For comparison, the attempts at doge by Representative Steve Stockman:
oppose Ted Cruz
kill GOP filibuster
support Obamacare funding
don’t like Rand Paul
Via http://www.thewire.com/politics/2013/12/politicians-trying-be-cool-twitter/356429/
3) The most difficult part of all of this was misspelling everything correctly. If anyone wants to check my work, or send other corrections or comments, as always you can reach me at asktheleagueofnerds@gmail.com.
Got a language question? Ask the Language Nerd! asktheleagueofnerds@gmail.com
Twitter @AskTheLeague / facebook.com/asktheleagueofnerds
[1] This was in a picture of a doge exercising, so “such pain, much gains” makes sense, but I swear it looks like “rain.” I dunno.
[2] This was the only time it was difficult to determine which words went together – usually the color-coding makes that easy. In this case there was a block of one-color text like this:
such spinny
spin spin
I analyzed it as “such spin” and “spinny spin,” but an argument could be made for “such spinny” and “spin spin,” or even “such spiny spin spin.” Make your own judgment here.
[3] See Footnote 2. Right there. ^^
[4] I think this is a doge-spelling of the pokemon Suicune, but due to low contrast I can’t tell exactly what the spelling is.
[5] These are very unusual misspellings for doge, with letters dropped from the beginnings of words. I think it’s supposed to be less of a doge-thing and more about being a super-patriotic soldier, which works with “merica,” but dropping the “h” in “eads” and “ero” is more associated with dialects of British English. I’d say “I may be overthinking this,” but it’s waaaaaaay too late for that now.